Sunday, 16 May 2021

This week we were bubbled out

Our shared big book this week was Bubbles.
We wrote stories about floating in a bubble.
Then we decorated our published stories by blowing bubbles out of water, paint and hand soap and pressing them onto our paper. We were all lucky we knew how to blow through the straw instead of sucking.
We have hung up our bubble stories in the class to share them with others.
We finished off our bubble week by reading our big book together all by ourselves.


  1. Hi I particularly liked how you have used the book Bubbles as a resource for reading, writing and art. I too have an autistic student that this same book worked very well.

  2. Hi
    We loved the way you made bubbles using soap and dye to make bubble art. That's great you read the book about bubbles and wrote about bubbles. Lovely ideas in your writing. Fantastic job Weka Teina.

  3. Thank you. We really enjoyed the bubbles too. We have lots of really good ideas in our writing to share with difference audiences.


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